Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007

Sherman Alexie visits campus, wows crowd with his satire

Oregon Daily Emerald - 16.05.07

Award-winning poet, novelist and essayist Sherman Alexie came to campus Monday night as part of a tour promoting his latest novel, 'Flight.' Before a packed crowd in Columbia 150, Alexie spoke to University students and fans in the community about everything from his fear of flying on airplanes to the secret to a good marriage.

"I am terrified of flying," Alexie admitted. "I can see the headline now: 'Native American writer dies promoting 'Flight.' With a big picture of a plane on fire. The only thing I can think is it'd really help book sales." This was only the beginning of the audience's constant laughter, which lasted for the entire hour-and-45-minute lecture.

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Ausstellung: The myths behind the masks

Sandusky Register - 16.05.07

The Sandusky Cultural Center's latest exhibit allows visitors to experience Native American culture.

The exhibit, Sharing Myths: Contemporary Art from the First Peoples of the Northwest Coast, features a variety of Native American art, including a totem poll-style carved talking stick, more than 40 masks and intricately-carved boxes.

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National Native American Economic Policy Summit Convenes in Phoenix

all american patriots - 16.05.07

May 15, 2007 -- PHOENIX - Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne opened the first-ever National Native American Economic Policy Summit with a video-taped message to over 500 tribal leaders, federal officials and leaders of Native organizations encouraging Summit participants to “work together collaboratively to formulate policy recommendations that will improve the quality of life in America’s diverse and growing indigenous communities.”

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Veranstaltung: Indianische Kräuterkunde

Landkreis Darmstdt - 16.05.07

Darmstadt-Dieburg - In einem Gespräch mit John H. Summers, einem Cree-Indianer aus Kanada, und anhand eines Films haben die Teilnehmer des Seminars die Gelegenheit, die Lebensphilosophie und das überlieferte Gesundheitswissen der Indianer kennenzulernen. Im Anschluss können Fragen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten auch mit der Heilpraktikerin Karin Becker diskutiert werden.

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